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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to have more than one eating disorder?

Yes, it is quite common.  Clinicians must always categorize diseases for the purpose of treatment, but seasoned professionals are familiar with conditions such as bulimarexia, and other hybrid combinations.

I vomit sometimes to keep my figure, do I have an eating disorder?
I'm an athlete and my body must be kept to form, so is it okay for me to binge or purge?
Which diets are good and which are bad?
I've been fighting obesity for life; aren't some people just born to be this way?
What about all those celebrities and supermodels, they aren't sick?
My child has an eating disorder, what do I do?
Do you treat males with eating disorders in your practice?
What makes you an expert in eating disorders?
What are your treatment methods?
Are you taking new patients? Would I be a good client?
I have many problems, can you help?
I have recovered from my eating disorder but periodically I need someone for advice, can I come to you?
Do you counsel families, couples?
How do you wean clients from therapy?
I'm having trouble coping, what do you suggest?
Are you covered by OHIP?