Stay Positive...


Simone Berger-Finkelstein has been working as a nutritionist and eating disorder specialist for over 20 years. Based in Toronto, Ontario, Simone’s approach to eating disorders and disordered eating is all about taking steps. These steps include working on self-esteem, body image, self-love while also working on nutrition.
Simone not only has an educational background in nutrition and eating disorders, but she herself has recovered from an eating disorder. When Simone was struggling and in the depths of her eating disorder, she felt that the only people who could truly understand her were those who had been through it themselves. Once Simone recovered she decided to use her life experience and education to help those affected with eating disorders.
How we can help you...
Eating disorders are among the saddest as they often afflict individuals who are extraordinarily intelligent, giving and sensitive. Those affected tend to put others before themselves, shoulder huge amounts of stress in silence, and carry an emotional load far too big for any one person to handle.
Please feel free to browse this site. If you or someone you love has an eating disorder, this site has many resources to help you on the road to recovery. Eating disorders can be conquered, all it takes is understanding, commitment and willpower.
If you are ready to take steps towards recovery, we can help you do so.
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